Photos by Elizabeth Hatcher
Essay by Josh Hatcher
In 2003 a tornado swept through McKean and Potter Counties. It will forever be remembered to us locals as "The one that took out the bridge."

I grew up visiting the bridge. We'd pack a picnic lunch, and Mom and Dad would take us to walk across the ancient steel and wood structure. Right out in the middle is where your stomach would start to shake a bit, when you looked over the edge and felt a strong breeze.... I would think in my head... it's going down... but it never did.

At least not until a few years ago. Read about the collapse here.
Since then, I've been meaning to get out and see it, but I just haven't had the time.
My brother took his wife out this past weekend, and she got these pictures.

If you are interested in the history of the bridge, the Smethport History Website is quite informative.